Automate the collection of reviews.

Get automatic reviews from the orders placed in your store so you always have feedback from the latest orders. Save time and improve your reputation.


Send automatic review invitations to your customers.

Revi connects to your order database to determine which orders to mark as valid. Your validated orders will have to wait a few days before the review invitation is sent. Once those days have passed, Revi will send your customers their invitation and you will start receiving their reviews.

Get Product and Store Reviews.

Collect detailed reviews of both your products and your business in general. Increase the trust of potential customers by displaying verified and detailed reviews on each product page and on your main page.

Automatic invitations:

We want you to try Revi and use it because you are comfortable with our service. Forget about fine print, unexpected extra costs, and bad practices.

Display them on your website:

Choose how you want your reviews to appear on your website.

Choose the order of the reviews:

Configure which review is most important to you and place it first in the review request order.

Improve your reputation:

Also show Google reviews to generate more trust on your website.


Get Google reviews and improve your SEO positioning.

Get reviews on Google My Business to improve your search engine ranking. Reviews increase your ranking against the competition as the more reviews you have, the better Google will regard your store.

Display your reviews on your website and on your public page.

Reviews are displayed both on your website through widgets and on an external Revi page where all your business reviews appear. This way, your customers can quickly glance at the latest reviews on your website or take their time to see all the reviews on the public page.