Preguntas frecuentes

SEO plus

Reviews remain in your own website. It translates into more and more updated content, and better SEO for Google.

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Reviews remain in your own website. It translates into more and more updated content, and better SEO for Google.

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It is more appealing to leave a review when you offer a discount coupon. Leaving a review takes time. Time that some customers are not willing to waste on writing an opinion. Giving a discount coupon as an incentive to your customers for leaving a review definetly will boost the number and quality of reviews. This feature is optional, but stronly recommended.

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Replying to customers reviews help building customers trust, providing a valuable feedback to your business. Take the time to thank a positive review, or in the contrary, show your best leadership dealing with the negative ones. 

We firmly believe that the conversations to negotiate with your customers should be done through this public response. More transparency and more Revi. 

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The number of review requests depend on the selected plan. Every customer will receive a review request after a purchase order.
The automatic email response, the number of curstomers leaving a review increases exponentially.

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Now you have the opportunity to generate a Facebook tab with your Revi review webpage. This way customers can get closer to know the store before visiting it.

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Beyond a general review in each product page, this widget shows an exclusive customer review, of that specific product. Pull Marketing strategies helps many customers to make a buying decision.

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We generate a Revi review page just for you, including all your store reviews, general reviews and much more... Just to let your customers about your business.

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Sometimes you just don't want somebody to leave a review. If you want to exclude an email or a number of emails you can do it by adding the email address or their domain to your "blacklist".

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Once you reply to a negative review, your customer receives an e-mail notification with, not only your response, but also the option to modify their previous review.

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This small box shows your latest store reviews, general review, google stars and the total amount of reviews. There is also a direct link to your Revi review page.

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