It is more appealing to leave a review when you offer a discount coupon. Leaving a review takes time. Time that some customers are not willing to waste on writing an opinion. Giving a discount coupon as an incentive to your customers for leaving a review definetly will boost the number and quality of reviews. This feature is optional, but stronly recommended.
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The number of review requests depend on the selected plan. Every customer will receive a review request after a purchase order.
The automatic email response, the number of curstomers leaving a review increases exponentially.
It is more appealing to leave a review when you offer a discount coupon. Leaving a review takes time. Time that some customers are not willing to waste on writing an opinion. Giving a discount coupon ...
Read moreThe famous Google Star Rating System is shown when somebody is searching for a product from your online store. On top of that, we also offer it in categories for you. Much more visible
Now you have the opportunity to generate a Facebook tab with your Revi review webpage. This way customers can get closer to know the store before visiting it.
Revi follows-up with a second, and even a third e-mail just in case a customer did not leave a review yet from their last purchase.