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Response to reviews

Replying to customers reviews help building customers trust, providing a valuable feedback to your business. Take the time to thank a positive review, or in the contrary, show your best leadership dealing with the negative ones. 

We firmly believe that the conversations to negotiate with your customers should be done through this public response. More transparency and more Revi. 

Other questions in the category Dictionary

  • Number of review requests

    The number of review requests depend on the selected plan. Every customer will receive a review request after a purchase order.
    The automatic email response, the number of curstomers leaving a review increases exponentially.

  • Discount coupons

    It is more appealing to leave a review when you offer a discount coupon. Leaving a review takes time. Time that some customers are not willing to waste on writing an opinion. Giving a discount coupon ...

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  • Easy Start

    Easy Start gives you the opportunity to get reviews from past purchase orders. This service will send customers who purchased a product or used your services a review request.

  • Response to reviews

    Replying to customers reviews help building customers trust, providing a valuable feedback to your business. Take the time to thank a positive review, or in the contrary, show your best...

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  • Rich Snippets

    The famous Google Star Rating System is shown when somebody is searching for a product from your online store. On top of that, we also offer it in categories for you. Much more visible

  • Facebook tab

    Now you have the opportunity to generate a Facebook tab with your Revi review webpage. This way customers can get closer to know the store before visiting it.