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Ninjutsu gi professional

Reviews by Revi
Reviews by Revi

Ninjutsu gi professional

Reviews by Revi
11/06/2016 06:00


11/06/2016 06:00
revi star
I needed a new Katana for Jujitsu training and had my eye on the Matsukura for a while. I ordered it after doing some Internet research and received it within only 3 days. Extremely well packed too and the cloth slip bagslip bag is also a nice touch. Wow all I can say is that the Matsukura exceeded my expectations and looks even better in real life than in the photos. The sword is well balanced, a nice a snug fit into the saya, no loose or poor fitted component's. The blade was blunt as expected for an Iaito for safety which is great for my needs. The leather wrapped Tsuka is also a nice change from the usual cotton wrap and is a very high quality leather. Overall a fantastic sword and well worth the money. If you are in the market for a new Katana give katanamart a try, excellent service too as they usually answer what's app messages the same day. Overall I am very pleased with the Matsukura and with the whole Katanamart experience.
09/06/2016 06:00


09/06/2016 06:00
revi star
Ok, so as with all things internet based there was some trepidation about buying from Katanamart. The Matsukura looked great in the photos but would it live up to expectations when delivered?
I'm happy to say that it's exceeded them! Exceptionally well constructed, beautifully finished and correctly packed for transport. After using it for the first time I can only say that I'll be recommending Katanamart to anyone looking to purchase their first sword, not only for the outstanding quality and very competitive pricing, but also for the range available. Well done Katanamart, keep up the very good work.
23/07/2015 06:00


23/07/2015 06:00
revi star
This is a superb quality Ninjutsu gi. It is very thick and heavy material, but is quite soft after a few washes. Some people might struggle in very hot environments. I ordered a size 5, as that is what I am and it was very large and baggy, so bear this in mind.
14/07/2014 06:00


14/07/2014 06:00
revi star
I cannot rate this product highly enough , 5* almost does not do it justice would give it a 6 .
18/03/2014 05:00


18/03/2014 05:00
revi star
Nice gi delivered very speedily
08/10/2013 06:00


08/10/2013 06:00
revi star
Very well made, the right size for my height, but the Gi top doesn’t give enough room to move. I think you’d have to be quite skinny, to be comfortable in this Gi.
The previous performance Gi top fitted me fine.
11/11/2016 05:00


11/11/2016 05:00
revi star
Alles gut..alles gut
07/11/2015 05:00


07/11/2015 05:00
revi star
Me ha gustado bastante. Muy ligero a pesar de ser de 12OZ. Muy ancho y cómodo.estoy muy satisfecho del producto
20/03/2015 05:00


20/03/2015 05:00
revi star
Top Anzug. Perfekt auch für Selbstverteidigung. Tolle Qualität. Reissen ,Werfen kein Problem. Grösse 4 bei 178cm und ca 90 Kilo. 1 A !!!
19/03/2015 05:00


19/03/2015 05:00
revi star
Tolle Verarbeitung. Das Leder Tzuka Ito war am Anfang etwas glitschig durch die Imprägnierung des Leders aber inzwischen klebt es regelecht an der Hand. Die Wicklung sitzt sehr fest und bewegt sich kein Stück.
Das Schwert ist gut ausballanciert obwohl es für mich einen Tick zu lang ist.
Das Rot der Saya ist real etwas dunkler als auf den Bildern und sieht sehr edel aus .
Was allerdings auch bei diesem Schwert wieder nervt, ist das weiße, zähe Fett, mit dem wohl die Klinge gefettet wurde.
Es dauert ewig bis es nach und nach durch Reinigen der Klinge aus der Saya raus ist .
25/02/2014 05:00


25/02/2014 05:00
revi star
Tissu de très bonne qualité mais attention, ça taille très très grand (118cm de long pour un pantalon de taille 5)...
16/10/2013 06:00


16/10/2013 06:00
revi star
Precio intermedio, buena calidad y muy cómodo
13/10/2013 06:00


13/10/2013 06:00
revi star
Buenas quiero agradecer el buen trato que he tenido con katanamart ya que el traje lo vi bastante grande para mi (me sobraban 18cm a partir del pie) contacté con ellos y me dieron solución en seguida me aconsejaron lavarlo y meterlo a la secadora ya que este gi está preparado para que encoja, pues lo hice y todo perfecto.
He de resaltar que es un gi de alta calidad, es tal y como se muestra en las fotos excepto una cosa, y es que incorpora un bolsillo interior en la chaqueta para llevar shuriken o lo que se te antoje.
Sinceramente no me esperaba tanto.
30/07/2013 06:00


30/07/2013 06:00
revi star
GI de muito bom tecido, costuras muito bem reforçadas com acabamentos de bordados bons, adquiri um de 170-175, assenta que nem uma luva, mas ainda não o lavei, mas como o material e de muito boa qualidade, duvido que encolha muito, mas atenção a medidas. de resto excelente...

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