Integration with your CMS in 5 minutes.
In a few simple steps, you'll have Revi up and running. No need for complex programming. Quick and easy connection with your CMS.
Prepared for a quick connection with major CMS.
Create your account on Revi, install the module on your CMS, enter your API Key, and start working. No complications and in a few minutes. But if you have any questions, our technical team will be happy to help.
Connect our API for your custom developments.
If your website is a custom development, don't worry. We have an API ready for you to integrate Revi into your site without problems. With our documentation, you can link Revi to your system and start working.
Import your reviews and orders from other platforms.
Don't be afraid to switch from another review platform. We import your reviews and orders without any problems. We take care of the entire import so you don't have to worry about anything.
Show your reviews on your website.
Display your reviews directly on your website to demonstrate the satisfaction and trust you inspire. Positive reviews not only improve your reputation but also influence the purchasing decisions of new visitors. Increase your business's transparency and credibility by showing authentic and detailed reviews.