We will stop sending emails. When you reach the maximum number of shipments, new orders will be placed on hold until your invitations are renewed. Please note that at the beginning of your period Revi will first send invitations to all pending orders. So your invitations may run out soon.
To avoid this, you can increase your subscription or buy invitation vouchers for times of sales with a higher volume, such as at Christmas or Sales. To make changes to your subscription you can access from My Account -> Settings -> Subscription.
Other questions in the category Reviews
To provide the best service, we improve Revi's module versions from time to time. Try to install the latest updated version, because in most cases an outdated version is the main reason why mails are ...
Read moreEasy peasy lemon squeezy! Once you've installed the module everything is automatic. Revi will send an email after a customer purchases a product to evaluate their experiences in your on-line store. Cu...
Read moreThe most important site to publish the reviews is your own website. You also have a trust seal and several widgets to show in different sections of your website.
Homepage, sidebar and ...
In Revi, we will evaluate the possibility of removing a review taking in consideration the language used and the veracity behind the review. In any case, we just can't remove a review just because you don't agree with it. There's a right of speech that protects these reviews.
You can and you should. All our subscriptions include this feature. Turn reviews into your most powerful marketing tool and your sales skyrocket. Reviews from your customers can provide valuable...
Read moreWe stand with honesty and transparency. Therefore, only customers who have purchased in your on-line store will be able to leave reviews. Revi has an automated system which ensures real reviews by real customers who have already purchased a product.